Feastday of St. Photios the Great

On Tuesday, February 6, 2018 we celebrate the Feastday of our Father Among the Saints Photios the Great, Patriarch of Constantinople, the Confessor and Equal-to-the-Apostles, Patron Saint of our Holy Metropolis.  This year 4 parishes will be hosting a regional gathering (Synaxis) to celebrate our revered Patron Saint.  We invite you to join the clergy and laity of the Metropolis at the following locations:


In the Central region  -  Ypapanti GOC, East Pittsburgh

Orthros: 8:30am Divine Liturgy: 9:30am


In the East region—Annunciation GOC, Lancaster, PA

Orthros: 8:45am Divine Liturgy: 10am


In the Northwest region—St. Paul GOC, North Royalton

Orthros: 9am Divine Liturgy: 10am


In the Southwest region—St James GOM., Belpre, OH

Orthros: 9:45am Divine Liturgy: 11am


For more information, please feel free to contact the host parishes.