Mothballs and Memories

What does the phrase “eternal memory” mean really, for us mere mortals? This question begs at me much now that I am in my sixth decade of life and have witnessed so many lovely souls pass on to the next life. My sweet grandmother passed away on Theophany 5 years ago. She is in my thoughts at times, but I must admit not at all times - thus her memory is certainly not eternally in my small mind. There are moments when my heart throbs with ache for her embrace. There are also many moments when I mostly, admittedly, forget about her.

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"The contribution of clergy and laity..." " to demonstrate that the Church community cares as a whole, not only the priest, that one can find in our Church a culture of love, unity and gratitude, that our Orthodoxia is also Orthopraxia, that we are a living organism of the body of Christ."