Timeline of Archbishop Michael

1919 Ordained to the priesthood
1927-1939 Dean of Saint Sophia Cathedral, London
1939-1949 Metropolitan of Diocese of Corinth
October 11, 1949 Elected Archbishop of North and South America
December 18, 1949 Enthroned at Holy Trinity Cathedral
1951 Official founding of Greek Orthodox Youth of America (GOYA)
1952 11th Clergy-Laity Congress institutes Dekadollarion replacing Monodollarion
1954 Archbishop Michael elected one of six Presidents of World Council of Churches, Evanston, IL
1955 Orthodoxy officially recognized as major faith by U.S. government
January 21, 1957 Archbishop Michael delivers Invocation at Inauguration of President Dwight D. Eisenhower – first by an Orthodox Hierarch
May 28, 1958 Archbishop Michael presides at opening of Saint Michael’s Home. The only Archdiocesan institution serving the needs of elderly Greek Orthodox
July 13, 1958 Archbishop Michael succumbs in New York City after becoming ill at the 14th Clergy Laity Congress in Salt Lake City
Archbishops of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America