2003 News Archives

New Church Music Resource Announced The 2003 Liturgical Guidebook

The National Forum of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians has recently completed and distributed the 2003 edition of the Liturgical Guidebook. This is the Forum’s 27th edition of the Guidebook since its origin with the GOYA Music Committee in the 1960's. It lists the weekly changes of the hymns, responses, verses, and Gospel and Epistle readings for the Sunday Divine Liturgies and all the major Feast Days.

The Guidebook also contains an extensive annotated bibliography of Greek Orthodox church music and liturgical education materials that are available for choirs, children, youth, organists, and for congregational singing. This is the most complete reference of liturgical music resources available in the Archdiocese of America.

As the official Archdiocesan resource for Greek Orthodox church musicians, this year’s Liturgical Guidebook was sent to over 850 choir directors, clergy, psaltai, and church administrators over the past several weeks. Dr. Vicki Pappas, National Chairman of the National Forum encouraged recipients to “browse through and use the entire Guidebook --- in addition to the liturgical charts, there is a wealth of other resource information within its pages, including the most comprehensive bibliography of Greek Orthodox church music for both Greek and English texts. I hope the 2003 Liturgical Guidebook proves to be a valuable aid as you carry out your sacred ministry.”

In his cover letter, His Eminence, Archbishop Demetrios noted: "I extend to you my congratulations and heartfelt best wishes for yet another excellent and worthy publication…for the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. This most valuable resource…allows Church musicians to follow in the Orthodox tradition the rich and meaningful protocol and sequence developed through centuries…”

Mr. Peter N. Vatsures of Columbus, OH serves as editor and distributor of the Guidebook. Dr. Nicolas Maragos of Rochester, MN conducts the research about the liturgical changes and the computerization of the charts.

Copies of the 2003 Liturgical Guidebook are still available at a cost of $25.00, which includes shipping and handling. Additional information about the Guidebook may be obtained from Mr. Vatsures at 68 West Cooke Road, Columbus, OH 43214; E-mail [email protected].

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