Hellenic College Holy Cross to Host "Be Attentive" Retreat for Vocational Discernment

Join Hellenic College Holy Cross for the “Be Attentive” Retreat!

Men of any Orthodox Christian jurisdiction considering ordained ministry are invited to HCHC from October 11-13, 2024, for a weekend of vocational discernment. Engage in directed discussions with fellow participants and eminent clergy, investigate deeply what the Church believes about Holy Orders, explore the true calling and responsibilities of clergy, and understand the impact of faithful servant ministry in parishes, the Church, and the world!

Last year, HCHC’s on-campus retreats attracted 34 men who embarked on this journey of vocational discernment. This year, they invite you to come and Be Attentive to God’s voice in your life.

For more information and to register, please visit https://enrollment.hchc.edu/beattentive .

Photo: Hellenic College Holy Cross.

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