This video features Dr. Helen C. Evans and Dr. Anton C. Vrame.
Discussion Questions:
- Orthodox Church architecture is distinct. What are its basic features?
- Discuss the various parts of an Orthodox church and their meaning -- such as the narthex, altar, nave, dome, and Platytera?
- When a church is constructed, what are the "rules" that an architect must follow?
- Discuss the vestments that priests and bishops wear as well as their significance and history?
- Discuss the Church's unique and ornate religious items. Why are articles, such as the Bible, censor, and chalice so beautifully adorned?
- The term "House of God" is used very often. What is our responsibility toward it?
Discovering Orthodox Christianity is a series of talks, shows, and presentations designed to introduce and explain the basic teaching of Orthodox Christianity. Sponsored by the Leadership 100 Endowment Fund the series covers a wide range of topics with the goal of educating the viewer in simple, easy to understand terms.