This video features His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas of Detroit and Rev. Fr. John Vlahos.
Discussion Questions:
- From your knowledge of Church history, has the Church always been involved in service to society and to the vulnerable in our world?
- Where do the Gospels say that we should help our fellow human beings? Do other Church thinkers discuss this issue?
- Discuss the National Ladies Philoptochos Society, their work and how it displays faith in action.
- We see a number of agencies involved with service (such as IOCC, OCMC, FOCUS, YES and more); what are they and what do they do? How can an individual or parish become involved with them?
- How can a parish or an individual become involved in service to the community, both inside and outside the parish?
Discovering Orthodox Christianity is a series of talks, shows, and presentations designed to introduce and explain the basic teaching of Orthodox Christianity. Sponsored by the Leadership 100 Endowment Fund the series covers a wide range of topics with the goal of educating the viewer in simple, easy to understand terms.