Take a moment today to sit down with your partner and listen to this short audio clip. When you are finished, discuss the questions below together!

  1. What is your general personal mindset in regard to marriage?
  2. In what areas of marriage do you have more of a fixed mindset?
  3. In what areas of marriage do you have more of a growth mindset? (Examples of areas of marriage: finances, communication, spiritual life, intimacy—emotional, physical, intellectual, spiritual—household responsibilities, parenting, etc.)
  4. What are some ways you and your spouse can shift your mindset from fixed to growth in specific areas and your general mindsets?

* This clip was taken from a larger presentation given by Fr. Jim and Pres. Donna Pappas titled, "Say What?! Communication Matters" at the Center for Family Care's second Marriage Conference on Oneness.

Is Your Marriage Struggling? Sometime the challenges we face in marriage need someone from the outside to help us sort them out. The decision to enter into marriage counseling does not mean you have failed in marriage or as persons, but rather that you are seeking assistance to strengthen your relationship. For assistance in finding a therapist, speak with your parish priest or visit http://www.marriagefriendlytherapists.com or http://www.aapc.org (American Association of Pastoral Counselors).

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Take a moment today to sit down with your partner and listen to this short audio clip. When you are finished, discuss the questions below together!