IOCC Partners with World Health Organization (WHO)

IOCC Partners with World Health Organization (WHO)

New opportunities to help continue being revealed during the COVID-19 pandemic. IOCC has begun its third pandemic-related partnership with the World Health Organization (WHO). This time it is helping educate at-risk communities in western Georgia about COVID-19 protocols, ensuring the greatest possible health in that region.
Together with the WHO, IOCC has run a series of educational workshops aimed at stopping the spread of COVID-19 for essential workers and local faith leaders who are then able to help educate their own communities. More than 85 truck drivers and 30 farmers market workers received personal protective equipment (PPE), cleaning and disinfection supplies, and informational fliers. IOCC is also able to provide training and PPE to 80 taxi drivers, 40 staff members at an Orthodox Church–run nursing home, and 50 faith leaders from different religions. Thanks to the partnership with WHO, these essential workers and faith leaders are better equipped to keep themselves and others safe as they help slow the spread of the pandemic.
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