Rev. Dr. Pentiuc's Work Translated Into Several Languages

Rev. Dr. Pentiuc's Work Translated Into Several Languages

Rev. Dr. Eugen J. Pentiuc’s book The Old Testament in Eastern Orthodox Tradition, originally published in English by Oxford University Press and used in Old Testament courses at Orthodox seminaries worldwide, has now been translated into three other languages, greatly increasing its potential audience.

Romanian: Vechiul Testament in Traditia Ortodoxa Rasariteana (translated by Nectarie V. Daraban; Cluj-Napoca: Editura Renasterea, 2019).

Arabic: Alh`d Alqadeem fee Altaqleed Alorthozoxy Alsharqee (translated by Ephraim Massoud; Cairo: Alexandria School Foundation, 2023).

Albanian: Diatha Vietër në Traditën Ortodokse Lindore (translated by Stefan Zhupa; Tirana: Shoqëria Biblike Ndërkonfensionale e Shqipërisë, 2023).

Fr. Pentiuc is Archbishop Demetrios Chair of Biblical Studies and Christian Origins and Professor of Old Testament and Semitic Languages at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology. A prolific author, Fr. Pentiuc is an internationally recognized biblical scholar and theologian.

If you are interested in Rev. Dr. Pentiuc's English works, you can shop now at: 

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