Quickstart Guide
This guide will assist your parish Stewardship team in getting started and planning a full year of Stewardship Ministry (Adobe PDF).
Stewardship 2016 Ministry Handbook
This booklet contains guidelines for preparation of a parish Stewardship Program, updated letters, a sample commitment card and new member card, various campaign formats and ideas for parish stewardship ministry. Contact the Stewardship Department ([email protected]) for additional copies of the Stewardship Handbook. (Adobe PDF)
Stewardship Brochure
This tri-fold brochure, provides a reflection on the feeding of the 5000 and its implications for stewardship today. This brochure serves as an insert in your stewardship communications or as a resource to be offered during stewardship visitations. (Adobe PDF or Word Doc)
Sample Commitment Card
The sample commitment card provides your stewards with a format for considering blessings in their lives and the many ways in which they may offer these blessings back to God. (Adobe PDF)
Stewardship 2016 Poster
This 11 x 17 color poster shares the message of stewardship with your parishioners and visitors. (JPG Image)
Stewardship PowerPoint Presentations
The resources include a PowerPoint Presentation to assist you in presenting the concepts of Stewardship within the theme of The Feeding of the 5000. Additional timely PowerPoint Presentations are available in the previous years' resource materials. These presentations are provided in a customizable format, so that you may add photos and entire slides to personalize the presentation for your purposes. (Compressed ZIP File)
Bulletin Inserts
These bulletin inserts will assist you in promoting a positive stewardship message and educating the faithful. Inserts are formatted for 8.5x14 paper. (Adobe PDF or Word Doc)
This section includes a sermon, a children’s sermon, and a Greek Language sermon dealing with the topic of stewardship and the feeding of the 5000.
- Feeding the 5000 (Children's Sermon)
- Those that Seek the Lord Shall Never Be In Want of Any Good Thing
Banners: Vinyl Outdoor and Bannerlux Fabric Indoor Stewardship Banners
These beautiful high resolution banners promote the message of stewardship in your parish. Click for an order form showing two color designs and choice of vinyl or fabric. (Adobe PDF)
Graphic Files
Graphic files and the Original Icon image are provided for those that chose to customize their parish materials. (Compressed Zip File)
Council of Ministries
This resource provides a positive approach to stewardship of the entire person through involvement in parish ministries as carried out in the St. Nektarios Church of Charlotte, North Carolina. This resource is included in the Stewardship Handbook.
Family Information Form
The Family Information Form provides a tool for gathering information on new and existing parishioners with the goal of engaging them in the life of the church according to their interests, skill, training and education. As the new parish management software is implemented, this information will be utilized by the parish priest and his designees for supporting parish ministries and implementing new initiatives. This resource is included in the Stewardship Handbook.
All of the 2016 Stewardship Campaign resources listed above are available in hard copy through the Department of Stewardship, Outreach & Evangelism. Please send your requests by email to [email protected] or call 646-519-6760.
Thank you for your dedication to Stewardship Ministries.